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10 Most Famous Paintings of all Time

10 Most Famous Paintings of all Time

Art collectors from all over the world spend millions of dollars annually in acquiring some of the most famous paintings of all times. However, there are several who would love to own famous works of art but can not afford to pay the shockingly high prices. This is where you can make use of art reproduction provided by ArtsDot. These works appear exactly like the original ones, letting you enjoy the art without actually paying a fortune. Here are the ten most famous paintings of all times that you can get reproduced by ArtsDot!

Art collectors from all over the world spend millions of dollars annually in acquiring some of the most famous paintings of all times. However, there are several who would love to own famous works of art but can not afford to pay the shockingly high prices. This is where you can make use of art reproduction provided by ArtsDot. These works appear exactly like the original ones, letting you enjoy the art without actually paying a fortune. Here are the ten most famous paintings of all times that you can get reproduced by ArtsDot!

#1: Mona Lisa

Leonardo da Vinci is credited for having painted Mona Lisa, is commonly known. The painting was created during the Renaissance, in Florence. It is believed that the painting was started in the year 1503 and completed in 1519. The painting portrays Lisa Del Giocondo, who was from an affluent household in Florence.

Unfortunately, the painting was stolen in 1911 by an employee at the Louvre. Being an Italian, he believed that Mona Lisa should be returned to Italy where it truly belonged and not France. He managed to conceal the painting in his apartment for close to 2 years. However, the long arms of the law finally caught up with him when he attempted to sell it to a Gallery in Florence.

This painting can be reproduced by ArtsDot in cracked form, which will give it the exact look of the original painting!


#2: Starry Night

Vincent van Gogh was the famous Dutch artist who painted the Starry Night. While Van Gogh might have only sold a single painting, his thoughts and brilliance are accredited through this one painting only. In addition to being one of the most famous paintings of all times, Starry Night is reputed for being one of the popular images in the contemporary art culture.

Starry Night depicts a small village in the city of Saint-Remy beneath a swirling sky. Unknown to most people, the village is being viewed at an angle from an asylum.



#3: The Last Supper

This 15th century mural canvas was created by Leonardo da Vinci. It covers the entire rear wall of the banquet hall at the famous monastery of Santa Maria in Milan. The painting depicts the scenery of the last supper as Jesus and his disciples per took the last meal. Work on The Last Supper was started in 1495 and completed in 1498. The painting is one of the most famous ones, owing to its different interpretations. ArtsDot can provide the painting with the exact look as well as texture as the original one!




#4: The Creation of Adam

The Creation of Adam can be found on the ceiling of the famous Sistine Chapel in Rome. This famous painting was created by Michelangelo, who began working on the painting begun in the year 1508 and ended in 1512. The painting was commissioned by Pope Julius II. The Creation of Adam is one of the most popular works of art during the High Renaissance.


#5: Guernica

Guernica was painted by Pablo Picasso and still remains one of the best paintings by him. The painting depicts tragedies of a war as well as the sufferings inflicted on people as a result of the war. Pablo Picasso intended to create this with an aim of attracting the attention of the world when Germans bombed the small town of Basque in Guernica. The painting was completed in the year 1937 and remains a legend to date.




#6: The Girl with a Pearl Earring

The Girl with a Pearl Earring is also commonly known as the “Dutch Mona Lisa”. This famous painting was created by Johannes Vermeer. In spite of having painted one of the most famous paintings in the world, there is little that is known about Johannes Vermeer and his paintings. The painting is not dated, and as such it is not known when the painting was commissioned. Above all, it is still a mystery as to who commissioned this painting. According to historians, The Girl with a Pearl Earring was meant as a traditional portrait. For those who are interested in this mysterious work of art, we can provide the perfect reproduction with a cracked surface, showing off the magic of the original painting.


#7: The Scream

The Scream is a sequence of prints and expressionists that was created by a well-known Norwegian artist. The painting portrays a tormented figure against a backdrop of crimson sky. The Scream was commissioned in 1893 and is currently displayed at the National Gallery of Norway. It is one of the most exquisite works of art, with its unique sequence.



#8: Night Watch

The Night Watch was completed in the year 1642. The painting was made at the height of Dutch Golden Age by the well-known artist, Rembrandt van Rijn. The painting showcases a city guard that is moving out.



#9: Water Lilies

The painting is a sequence of roughly 250 oil paintings. The painting was done by famous impressionist, Claude Monet. According to historians, the painting showcases Claude Monet’s garden and was one of the key paintings that was completed in the sunset years of his life. Being a famous oil painting, it can be reproduced perfectly through ArtsDot’s oil painting reproduction techniques!


#10: The Birth of Venus

The painting was created by Sandro Botticelli between 1485 and 1487. The painting portrays the goddess of Venus arising from 

the ocean while riding on a shell. As is the case with the Girl with Pearl Earrings, it is not known who commissioned the painting. The location where the painting was done is also a mystery.



For art lovers who would love to own these famous paintings without paying large amounts of money, ArtsDot can provide professionally reproduced paintings. These conform to even the most minor details of the original paintings. If you have an exquisite taste, you can even get these paintings in a cracked form or a specific texture, so as to complete the outlook exactly like the original work!



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